What is a Trademark?
- A registered trademark protects your exact brand, also covering brands that are similar to yours.
- Once the trademark is registered, you can stop others from using your brand.
- If someone uses or abuses your trademark, you can claim compensation.
- With a registered trademark, you are significantly stronger when you are making new deals with potential investors/customers.
A wordmark is a name, word or phrase that indicates who is behind the product or service. A wordmark is a plain text protection, with no graphic elements.
When you register a wordmark, you get the exclusive right to the use of that word.
A graphicmark is not directly linked to a name or phrase, even though they may contain them. Instead, the protection concerns the design itself or the image.
In the same way as for wordmarks, graphicmarks also protect designs that are similar and can be confused.
Our technical solutions enable us to keep prices very low without compromising quality or safety.
Lawyers review all trademark registration that are affected through us before they are submitted to the relevant registration agency.
Sweden, Norway, EU & USA
Offering trademark registrations in multiple regions and continents. We can also offer tailor-made registrations in addition to our portfolio of countries that we already deal with.